Agnaldo Freitas wrote:
Ldapsearch returns data from "Fedora-DS" but "getent group/passwd" and
"id user" commands can not get them. They just can get data from
"/etc/passwd" and "/etc/group".
# *ldap.conf*
base dc=sei,dc=intranet
bindpw passwd
rootbinddn cn=Directory Manager,dc=sei,dc=intranet
timelimit 50
pam_lookup_policy yes
nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=sei,dc=intranet?one
nss_base_shadow ou=People,dc=sei,dc=intranet?one
nss_base_group ou=Groups,dc=sei,dc=intranet?one
pam_password exop
ssl off
You didn't list a path on this one. It should be /etc/ldap.conf, is it?
Is the file readable by the user running "id" and "getent"? Try
removing the rootbinddn and bindpw entries; they usually aren't necessary.
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