Michael Thomsen <mikerthomsen@xxxxxxxxx> kirjoitti:
I have a problem that is causing my team to look at migrating to
Fedora Directory Server, but we need some help on it first. We are
currently running into some sort of threading race condition with
Netscape Directory Server. After a while, it just locks up at 99% CPU
utilization. Has anyone besides us seen this behavior with NDS or FDS?
If someone has some information about this issue and it being resolved
in FDS, I am pretty sure that I could convince my people to make the
switch to FDS.
I have previously been responsible for lots of NDS servers, and have experienced the same problems at times. If you're running on HP-UX, there are some OS level patches to help with some of these problems. There are also sometimes problems with HP-UX's ldapclientd looping...
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