Hi all,
Thank you for the FDS software!
This morning I installed the Fedora Directory Server (FDS) on Ubuntu
Dapper Drake (6.06 LTS). This procedure seems to work for me in order to
get FDS running on the Dapper platform:
The procedure is almost equal to the existing howto for Ubuntu Breezy
Badger and Debian GNU/Linux Sarge which is available at
I'll just describe the parts that deviate.
I installed the FDS on a clean minimal installation of Ubuntu Dapper
Drake server-version (x86), which is available at
As Dapper uses libc6 version 2.3.6 I took the Fedora Core 4-rpm (version
1.0.2) as a base for conversion to '.deb'. You can download the rpm at
The necessary termcap-compat package does not seem to be available for
'Dapper', so I just used the 'Breezy' version of that package.
termcap-compat depends on the 'libc5' and 'ldso' packages which aren't
available for 'Dapper' eighter. You can get the Breezy-version of these
packages at http://packages.ubuntu.com/
BTW, I used the Sun jdk 1.5.0_02.
After the installation of the fedora-ds .deb-package I used the
setuputil and an existing 'install.inf' file (see example hereunder) to
do a silent install of the FDS.
You can invoke the silent install like so:
sudo /opt/fedora-ds/setup/setup -s -f /opt/install.inf
Example install.inf:
FullMachineName= xenfds.intra.example.com
SuiteSpotUserID= fds
SuiteSpotGroup= fds
ServerRoot= /opt/fedora-ds
AdminDomain= intra.example.com
ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= yourpasswordhere
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://xenfds.intra.example.com:389/o=NetscapeRoot
UserDirectoryAdminID= admin
UserDirectoryAdminPwd= yourpasswordhere
SlapdConfigForMC= Yes
SecurityOn= No
UseExistingMC= No
UseExistingUG= No
ServerPort= 389
ServerIdentifier= xenfds
Suffix= dc=intra, dc=example, dc=com
RootDN= cn=Directory Manager
AddSampleEntries= No
InstallLdifFile= suggest
AddOrgEntries= Yes
DisableSchemaChecking= No
RootDNPwd= hannibal
SysUser= root
Port= 7777
ServerAdminID= admin
ServerAdminPwd= yourpasswordhere
ApacheDir= /usr/sbin
ApacheRoot= /usr/lib/apache2
Olivier Brugman
Fedora-directory-users mailing list