One thing to note, in case it isn't already clear :
The SSL connection setup between FDS and AD is entirely
orthogonal to the SSL connection from PassSync running on Win2k
and FDS.
From your e-mail it isn't clear to me that you're aware of this.
e.g. the certutil command you're running on Windows will relate
only to the certs that PassSync will use to contact FDS. That has
nothing to do with the SSL connection from FDS to AD
(which will use the certs configured in FDS on one end,
and the cert configuration in AD on the Windows end --
entirely separate from the aforementioned PassSync
cert config).
Jeff Gamsby wrote:
Please help me, I cannot get this to work. It's driving me crazy.
This is what I did:
Setup FDS over SSL using certutil.
Windows 2000 AD server with "Enterprise Certificate Authority"
Can search AD over SSL ( using ldp.exe, people search over ssl, and
openldap ldapsearch over ssl -H ldaps://)
Installed PassSync ( used FDS host, port 636, FDS Manager account
cn=Manager, FDS cert db password, FDS base )
Exported FDS certs ( per howto:ssl ) and imported them into AD (
certutil databases on windows side )
Setup changelog ( default ) and single master replication
Setup windows sync agreement ( bind as AD administrator account
Then I test SSL connection from FDS to AD:
../shared/bin/ldapsearch -X -h ad-host -p 636 -D
"cn=administrator,cn=users,... -w - -s base -b "" "objectclass=*"
ldap_init(, 636 )
ldaptool_getcertpath -- .
ldaptool_getkeypath -- .
ldaptool_getmodpath -- (null)
ldaptool_getdonglefilename -- (null)
ldap_simple_bind: Can't contact LDAP server
SSL error -8179 (Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.)
OpenLDAP ldapsearch
ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ad-host works
On Windows Machine:
certutil -L -d .
CA certificate CT,C,C
Server-Cert Pu,Pu,Pu
On FDS server (FC4):
# ../shared/bin/certutil -L -d .
CA certificate CTu,u,u
Server-Cert u,u,u
I have no idea what to try next. Please help
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