Thanks for your answers!
Richard Megginson wrote on 04/26/2006 02:55 PM:
Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko wrote:
I've half gotten the AD sync to work, but I have a couple of issues:
1. The updates are not propagated on their own. If I choose
'Send/Receive updates' from the sync agreement, they are immediately
transferred, but it never happens on it's own.
Try turning on the replication error log level.
Okay, I see "Replica has no update vector. It has never been
initialized." My updates are indeed not sent from FDS to AD, but I don't
want this anyway.
The Windows sync docs do not specify which replica role I have to choose
first. I actually need a dedicated consumer (AD->FDS only), but if I
choose that role, I have to specify a supplier DN, and I'm not sure what
I should put there for the Windows sync scenario. So I had to choose
'single master', and that implies sending FDS->AD updates, which
currently doesn't work. Looks like these updates won't be sent until I
initialize the consumer (AD), and I DON'T want to do this.
So I'm in a bind. :(
../shared/bin/pk12util -d . -P slapd-fa22 -o servercert.pfx -n
pk12util-bin: find user certs from nickname failed: security library:
bad database.
Are you missing the trailing "-" after slapd-fa22?
Yes, that was it! Now that I know what to look for, I've noticed this on
the wiki in the SSL article (though the WindowsSync pages in the
Netscape docs and on the wiki do not mention it :).
Simon (Vsevolod ILyushchenko) simonf@xxxxxxxx
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Henri Bergson
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