2) To make secure replication...I have to enable ssl on DS...in this
case...is still possible to query LDAP on port 389 ??
Absolutely, enabling SSL does not affect unencrypted connections on port
Alex aka Magobin wrote:
On gio, 2006-03-23 at 08:43 -0800, Susan wrote:
This is what I did to get ssl repl working:
1. generate a single CA certificate and use that to sign both the supplier and consumer
certificates. Each server doesn't need its own CA.
on the consumer:
Thank you Susan for your reply...two question 4 you if possible:
1) This procedure..similar to (Chapter 8 in Administration Guide)...but
you have to create cert db before
2) To make secure replication...I have to enable ssl on DS...in this
case...is still possible to query LDAP on port 389 ??
Thanks in advance!!
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