I have been working with updating the attributeType 'uid' to conform
the a "caseExactMatch" setting. I understand that this does agree
with RFC standards, but this Directory Server will not be interacting with any
ldap applications. The primary purpose is user authentication.
I must be missing something on how the Directory Server (fedora-ds) defines
the attributes. I was under the impression I could just update the 00core.ldif
entry and the new matching rule would then be applied. This has proven not to
be the case, I think it might have to do with the server interacts with the
plugins or the CoS which needs to be
Anyone who could educate me on a method to enforce case sensitivity for the
attribute uid, it would help me out greatly. I have read everything I can find
on the subject and it just does not seem to be documented (not in a direct
manner anyway).
This is how the attribute appears in the 00core.ldif after I attempted to
change the attribute definition but it does not seem to have any effect.
attributeTypes: ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 NAME ( 'uid' 'userid' ) DESC
'Standard LDAP attribute type' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SUBSTR
caseExactSubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'RFC
1274' )
Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the correct direction, I must
be making this more difficult then it needs to be.
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