Richard, regarding the alternative search filter, is it possible to perform a search where you match against a password?
I'm using this to currently perform a silent login after having binded (is that a word?) was the directory admin.
SRCH base="ou=People,dc=fedora,dc=test,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(&(objectClass=*)(ntUserDomainId=SmithR))" attrs="memberOf"
I imagine it would be fairly easy to extract the password too. Do you think so? Would I use the userPassword field for this? Do you think that this is what most directories will store the user's password in?
Many thanks again
On 12/01/06, Richard Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't think this will work either. The DN for the entry is
uid=RSmith,ou=People, dc=fedora,dc=test,dc=com - If you want to bind as
this same user but with a different DN, you will have to rename the
entry to use ntUserDomainId=smithr as the RDN instead of uid=RSmith. If
AD allows you to request an entry by DN other than the actual DN of the
entry, then it is non-standard LDAP behavior.
Of course, if your client program allows it (like PAM), you can use a
different search filter to look up your entry. I think PAM by default
uses (uid=%s) where %s is filled in with your login name. I suppose you
could change it to (ntUserDomainId=%s), then you should be able to use
your existing entry for PAM login without having to rename it. However,
if your client application expects ntUserDomainId=foo in the DN, then
you have no choice but to rename your entry.
Bowie Bailey wrote:
>Richard Gibson wrote:
>>Hello there.
>>I've been using the Fedora Directory Server for very small scale
>>testing at work, but actually know rather little about LDAP
>>unfortunately. Hopefully you won't mind. Anyway, is it possible to
>>bind with an entry other than CN? I have the following user (LDIF
>>dn: uid=RSmith,ou=People, dc=fedora,dc=test,dc=com
>>mail: blablabla@xxxxxxxx
>>uid: RSmith
>>givenName: Richard
>>objectClass: top
>>objectClass: person
>>objectClass: organizationalPerson
>>objectClass: inetorgperson
>>objectClass: ntuser
>>objectClass: posixAccount
>>sn: Smith
>>cn: RSmith
>>createTimestamp: 20050905103419Z
>>modifyTimestamp: 20050916131603Z
>>nsUniqueId: 86b5b081-1dd211b2-806ddcd6-e1700000
>>ntUserDomainId: smithr
>>uidNumber: 1
>>gidNumber: 2
>>homeDirectory: /home/smithr
>>When attempting to bind using the following (as taken from the access
>>BIND dn="ntUserDomainId=Richard Smith,ou=People,dc=fedora,dc=test,dc=com"
>method=128 version=3
>>...I get "No such object". This user does exist though. Is binding
>>using the ntUserDomainId out of the question?
>Take a closer look. The ntUserDomainId is "smithr" for this user, not
>"Richard Smith".
>Try this:
>Disclaimer: I'm an LDAP beginner myself. This is just a suggestion
>based on the fact that your bind doesn't match the user information you
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