After successfully building (with dsbuild) and installing FDS on a SLES 9 system, the startup script hangs. I have run /opt/fedora-ds/setup/setup with default-answers to all questions (besides the password ;-) ). The problems are: Fedora Directory Server system tuning analysis version 04-APRIL-2005. NOTICE : System is i686-unknown-linux2.6.5-7.201-smp (2 processors). ERROR: We support kernel version 2.4.7 and higher. Continue? (yes/no) Looks like a string compare bug to me. I typed "yes". Then, some questions later, I got the infinitive loop: [slapd-lanldap2]: starting up server ... [slapd-lanldap2]: Attempting to obtain server status . . . [slapd-lanldap2]: Attempting to obtain server status . . . [slapd-lanldap2]: Attempting to obtain server status . . . ... I terminated setup and rerun it. Now I got: In order to reconfigure your installation, the Configuration Directory Administrator password is required. Here is your current information: Configuration Directory: Configuration Administrator ID: At the prompt, please enter the password for the Configuration Administrator. Fedora configuration directory server administrator ID: admin Password: xxxxxxxx Could not connect to f8/LC_CTYPE Press any key to continue. What now? I found no hint in or -- -- Ullrich Horlacher, BelWue Coordination ------- mailto:framstag@xxxxxxxxx -- Computing Centre Universitaet Stuttgart (RUS) Allmandring 30, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany fax: +49 711 678 8363 -- saft:// ----------------- ---- -- Fedora-directory-users mailing list Fedora-directory-users@xxxxxxxxxx