Re: question about required fields and I18N issues

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speedy zinc wrote:

How can I enter non-ascii data in the attribute,
especially for dn, last name, first name, etc, and
still can use the native language for searching?
Firstly, the data must be encoded in utf8. There are usually system utilities available to do native charset -> utf8 conversion - see "man iconv". Secondly, you must use language tags for your attributes if you want them to be properly sorted/collated e.g.
cn: Celine Andre
cn;lang-fr: \de\55\85\44line Andre

My utf8 encoding is not correct, but you should get the general drift.

For example, if I want to enter greeks or some eastern
european characters, how can I do that?

How do I configure the server to support i18n and have
the proper collation?
You shouldn't have to do anything. As long as you make sure all data is utf8 encoded, the server should be able to handle it. We use ICU 2.4 which supports about 40 languages.

How many languages does the console support, i.e. have
the proper translation and display correctly?
You mean, for how many languages has the console been localized for?

The console itself is written in Java, which has all of the unicode stuff built in, so it can handle the native charset -> utf8 conversion properly. This assumes you have your LOCALE set up correctly with all of the fonts you need.

I added an entry using ldapmodify, which contains
non-ascii in the DN. It seems to get it correctly, as
shown in the title bar of the property editor in the
console. But the property editor and the console does
not display correctly. The title bar displays
correctly, though.

And the result from ldapsearch just shows a bunch of
garbage characters.
ldapsearch will display the data base64 encoded. Just decode the base64 to see your utf8 chars.

All helps appreciated.


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