Adam Stokes wrote:
Another error i come upon in a next step of the howto:
[root@dt ~]# net groupmap add rid=512 ntgroup='Domain Admins'
adding entry for group Domain Admins failed!
I have an unix group 'Admins', samba and fedora-ds logs show nothing
when executing this command
When you created /etc/sambaGroups to be converted what values did you
use for the group?
Sorry meant /tmp/sambaGroups and what is the output of ldapsearch -x -Z
Thank you for your reply
I made changes to /tmp/sambaGroup to get rid of some console errors i
get but still cant pass to the next step of the howto.
here is more information:
[root@dt /]# cat /etc/group
Domain Admins:x:512:
Domain Users:x:513:
Domain Guests:x:514:
Domain Computers:x:515:
[root@dt /]# cat /tmp/sambaGroups
Domain Admins:x:2512:
Domain Users:x:2513:
Domain Guests:x:2514:
Domain Computers:x:2515:
converted to ldif and imported to the directory. I can see the entries
in the directory.
[root@dt /]# net groupmap add rid=512 ntgroup='Admins' unixgroup='Admins'
adding entry for group Admins failed!
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