Re: Proposal: Rolling Release

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Les Mikesell wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Michael Cronenworth wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Proposal: Rolling Release
From: Eric Springer <erikina@xxxxxxxxx>
To: fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: 11/10/2008 07:42 AM

Thoughts? Flames? Ideas?

Actually, what Fedora needs already exists: preupgrade

It just needs to be turned into a mandatory update tool with PackageKit. Joe Enduser needs to be able to click "Update Me!" and go from Fedora 9 to Fedora 10 with a single click.
Already implemented. PackageKit hooks up to Preupgrade and you would 
get a desktop blurb letting you know that when a subsequent release of 
Fedora is available.
The real missing piece is 'undo' when you find out that a change in the 
new version breaks something that you need.  Does anyone know if that 
actually works on systems using conary (i.e. can you back up a major 
Not feasible for RPM due to pre/post scripts. The rudimentary roll back 
support in RPM has actually been removed in 4.6. It probably needs the 
underlying filesytem to support snapshots. Something like btrfs needs to 
be in place first.
If that's not feasible, how about something else, useful in its own right: a migration tool that would let you move an existing system to different hardware or in/out of VMware/virtualbox, etc., preferably with the ability to keep everything but the system partitions intact and shared. Then when it is time to upgrade, you could migrate into a virtualbox image or spare machine, upgrade that, then after testing your apps and usage, migrate it to the host hardware.
Or if that's too complicated, how about an option to pre-allocate a 
spare system partition during the initial install for the next version 
and have that upgrade process give you a dual-boot system so you have a 
way back.  Then the next upgrade would rotate back to the first 
partition, and so on.
File RFE's in Otherwise it will likely just 
get lost in a long thread.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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