Andrew Overholt wrote:
* Lillian Angel <langel@xxxxxxxxxx> [2008-10-31 13:08]:
Peter Lemenkov wrote:
So, since now I need to install netbeans-platform8 in order to be able
to compile It looks for me like one more redunant BR.
Correct me if I wrong.
Correct. The -devel package now includes visualvm, which depends on
netbeans-platform8. We can talk about moving this out to a separate
package, and adding it as a "Suggests" for the java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
package. The netbeans-platform8 package adds about 6.0M (not including
the small packages it requires. ~1M in total: javahelp2 jna
jpackage-utils swing-layout).
So we're adding ~7 MB of requirements to a package that's ~41 MB. It's
a tough trade-off: we want ease of installation ("just install this one
package"), full functionality ("look, you also get visualvm!"), and a
small disk footprint. I tend towards ease of installation but that's
'cause I live where disks and bandwidth are relatively cheap.
Does Sun release the -devel bits of the JDK without NetBeans?
Visualvm is part of Sun's JDK (not the JRE).
visualvm? Do most users expect visualvm to be there if they have a JDK?
AFAIK, yes.
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