Re: Window / Screen question

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On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Nathanael D. Noblet <nathanael@xxxxxxx> wrote:

 This isn't a fedora question specifically, however just thought I'd run it
by to get some feedback.

 I've had a multi-card/multi-monitor setup for a few months now. It has been
a royal pain. (Only the closed drivers can handle it unfortunately). I was
talking to the radeon/ati driver people and have been informed that
multi-card setups don't get much love from either the driver developers or
upstream/xorg. So I've figured I may move from 3 monitors back to 2 larger
(24") monitors. So after that history, here comes the idea...

 I'm wondering if it is possible to have 'fake' monitor borders/dimensions.
So you instruct xorg/gnome/xinerama or whatever that the 1900 pixel width is
2/3rd + 1/3rd. If I were to click maximize within either of those imaginary
borders, it would maximize to that size instead of the 1900 px width. If I
double clicked, it would then go fullscreen...

Does this sound at all useful? Opinions / critiques...
> Sounds like tiling windowmanagers. dwm from ?

Does gnome support this? That would be very nice.

Nathanael d. Noblet
Gnat Solutions, Inc
T: 403.875.4613

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