Re: Collapsing DVD and CD torrents into one

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Stefan Hartsuiker wrote:
Op Za, 18 oktober, 2008 01:39, schreef Jesse Keating:
On Sat, 2008-10-18 at 01:04 +0200, Till Maas wrote:
I have a probably crazy idea: How about composing the DVD iso using a
filesystem that contains the CD isos and a bootloader that can use the CD
isos as installation source? Then a little bit of space of the DVD iso would
be wasted and it would take a little more effort to burn only the CD isos,
but then only one torrent would be needed and everyone can easily share
bandwidth with everyone else.
Split media installs (which that would result in for even the DVD case)
has some interesting side-effects, that really hurt when trying to add
external repos (particularly of updates) at install time.  I wouldn't
want to force it upon everybody.
Uhm, maybe it's me, but if the system can boot from the dvd, why do you want
to install from cd's?
Because not everyone in the world has enough resources to afford recent 
hardware and a DVD drive.

<<attachment: smime.p7s>>

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