Re: Collapsing DVD and CD torrents into one

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Jesse Keating wrote:
On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 17:45 -0400, Chris Snook wrote:
Since bittorrent doesn't have a concept of dependencies (no "metatorrents") there's no benefit to having multiple files in a torrent unless all of them are useless without the others.
Does that mean we should do one torrent per CD iso too?  'cause you can
do an install with just the first, you don't need the rest...
No.  That would not be Doing The Right Thing By Default.  CDs 2-N are not very 
useful without CD 1, so they really should all be in one torrent.  The power 
users who can get by with just CD 1 should be able to handle unchecking ISOs 2-N 
in their bittorrent client.  If we have a separate torrent for just CD 1, it'll 
be devoid of seeds, since the vast majority of people will use the torrent for 
the whole set, so there's not much point having a separate one for just CD 1 either.
-- Chris

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