Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
One more Software Freedom Day well spent ;-)
I'm proud to announce a new minor player in the world of insignificant
clones of major, important Free and Open Source Linux Distributions,
*bling* Orange Sombrero - /based on Fedora/ *bling*
Orange Sombrero starts with releasing version number 9 - the same
version number as the upstream distribution, Fedora, to avoid confusion.
Has anything been changed?
Yeah, a patch to anaconda[1,2] that didn't make it in in time for the
Fedora 10 Beta freeze has been applied to compose this release -which is
sort of the entire use case behind the patch anyway. Also, a different
branch of Revisor has been used that uses the patch to anaconda[3].
Since I've got limited bandwidth and disk space, this is a 1 CD
distribution. If I had bandwidth and disk space, I might have thrown in
a mid-release Everything Spin but I couldn't. Also, given that this is a
1 CD distribution, I've added an install class to anaconda so that it
selects the correct groups of packages. Who needs "Office &
Productivity" if there's only @core and @base, right? "Base System" FTW!
It was fun, it took me 4 koji scratch builds of anaconda and another
number of composes to get it "right".
Since this variant of revisor is a single CD distro, any reason to have
boot.iso in /images? Could gain +100megs for other stuff to fit in
boot.iso's place. Might help Martin at xs-olpc with his quest for a
single cd distro, and will most likely be a user of the re-branding offered.
Just a thought,
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