Wouldn't the best way be to have an api that can be used to add and delete DNS servers and manipulate resolv.conf. Then we could have deamons call that.
On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 5:41 AM, Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sun, 2008-09-14 at 21:37 -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:Yeah, at the end of the day something needs to mediate between services
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2008, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> > I have an itch. I connect to work using openvpn. Works great, except that openvpn does not modify resolv.conf to add
> > work's dns servers (now available through vpn). It does that on Windows though! I cannot expect openvpn or (any other
> > application) to simply overwrite /etc/resolv.conf at will, but what is fedora missing to get an elegant solution to
> > this problem ?
> If you use openvpn through NetworkManager, then I'd say NetworkManager should
> handle this for you.
that need to update your DNS information. If you're using
NetworkManager, then NM does this mediation for you for things like PPP,
PPtP, DHCP, openvpn, and vpnc.
But if you're not using NM, each service (vpnc, dhcp, openvpn, pptp,
ppp, whatever) has to have it's own logic to backup and restore
resolv.conf. And that just sucks. Some distros have resolvconf to help
with this, which does the same sort of thing as NM and "stacks" DNS
configs. Most of these hacks are standard *NIX: everything has it's own
system and nothing works very well.
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