Re: Proposal: Split Fedora into sub-distributions

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Jeff Spaleta wrote:
I'm a certified genius...
You're not the only one.

and I'm officially speaking for the entire
genius subculture when I say i/we (for we share a hive mind to some
extent) like things to work when I/we take them out of the box.
Sure... until we wish to tinker. I've built thousands of computers (both 
personal and business)... I love putting things together to make them work.
I cannot count the number of times I've taken a rubbish bin of old 
computers... and made a dozen or more fully working computers, or the 
times I've
taken ancient, nearly unknown cards... and managed to get them to work 
on one computer or another. So, while having things "Just Work" is nice...
you should know that, nothing beats the thrill of making something new 
(or old) work again.
-jef"Or do i mean certifiable"spaleta
I think you mean Certifiably Insane... since the vast majority of 
Geniuses in the world (past or present) have been/are clinically insane.
Lyos"loves being insane"Norezel


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