Re: Buildsystem messed up?

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Christoph Höger wrote, at 06/13/2008 09:04 PM +9:00:
Am Samstag, den 14.06.2008, 00:02 +1200 schrieb Nigel Jones:
Christoph Höger wrote:

all my builds fail due to:
According to you are missing build dependencies.
As this is a build for f9-updates-candidates you may need to ask rel-eng 
to add these packages to your buildroot.
- Nigel

Yes, I figured that out too (with some little irc help), but I only need
packages that are in updates already. Ive got them installed.
So why are they not in the buildroot?

[tasaka1@localhost ~]$ koji latest-pkg dist-f9-updates NetworkManager
Build                                     Tag                   Built by
----------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------
NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.9.3.svn3623.fc9    dist-f9               dcbw
[tasaka1@localhost ~]$ koji latest-pkg dist-f9-build NetworkManager
Build                                     Tag                   Built by
----------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------
NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.6.8.svn3669.fc8    dist-f9-override      dcbw

Something seems to be going wrong. (.fc8 package has "dist-f9-override" tag?)
Perhaps anyway you should ask to rel-eng team what is happening.

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