Re: New system-config-acpid

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2008/5/23 Bastien Nocera <bnocera@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> It's already behing the scenes. Just that the policy belongs in
> gnome-power-manager, which will show us a nice battery icon for us.

GNOME power manager? Not everyone wants to use that, y'know.

> Would you want to rewrite gnome-power-manager instead of using a cut
> down version?

Because I don't use GNOME?

> We also need a background wallpaper, and sound for accessibility
> reasons, as well as a keyboard layout switcher so we let
> gnome-settings-daemon handle those. There might be a few windows popping
> up, so we could rewrite a smaller window manager (which we'd need to
> debug, and fix separately, or we use metacity instead.

Sound, sure. That again points to a "system wide" solution instead of
"desktop centric" ones like PA.

> It's not a full desktop environment, it's cut-down versions of the
> software in the desktop, and only carefully selected software is run.

Still going the wrong way, stuff should be developed that isn't
dependent on being "part of a desktop" in the first place.

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