Re: Adding /sbin and /usr/sbin to everyone's path in F10

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Hans de Goede wrote:
Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
I propose that we add /sbin and /usr/sbin to the path for normal users
(as well as root) for F10? There are plenty of useful tools in there for
non-root users (ifconfig, fdisk, parted), and IMHO, any tool which
assumes the user is root because it lives in /sbin is fundamentally
broken. The LSB doesn't mandate this (at least, not anywhere I can see),
so I propose that we just do it.

Anyone opposed to such an action?

Not at all,


I've been consistenly changing /etc/profile todo exactly this since the day I started using RH 4.0


Isn't that more or less the same reason most windows users login as 
administrator - The convenience?
Note: I know the security risk in the two examples are not in the same 
ball-park, so there's no need to lecture me on that.
I'm merely speaking of convenience and how it sometimes makes it feel 
right to do the wrong thing.

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