Yaakov Nemoy wrote:
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:37 AM, Harald Hoyer <harald@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Trying a yum everything install, I found out, that booting now takes endlessly.
# ls /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S*|wc -l
Please review, if the packages really need to be "on" after an install.
# for i in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S*; do rpm -qf /etc/init.d/${i/*S[0-9][0-9]/};done | sort -u
You've just installed everything. I wouldn't be worried about boot
time as much. Many of these packages, you would expect that someone
wil actually use the services they provide.
There are some brought in by dependancies, though. eg the recent F8
libvirtd update brings in iscsi-initiator-utils that run an iscsi daemon
on startup.
(The iscisd int script also runs:
chkconfig --level 06 network off
rm /etc/rc0.d/*network
rm /etc/rc6.d/*network
which may be useful in an iscsi setup, but less so for someone who just
wants a VM. It also can't/isn't removed if that package is removed, but
I guess that thats a separate bug....)
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