Re: F8 kernel-

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Philip Ashmore wrote:
Please forgive my two cents worth as this is my first posting to this list.

Last November I submitted Bugzilla Bug 376501 <>: "Target platform test coverage".
Given that (kernel) problems like this thread describes could happen again,
and that this probability hasn't reduced as the result of this thread,
maybe it's time to consider using smolt data along with (hardware related? )
bug reports to automatically produce a table where people can look up
their make/model to see how well Fedora integrates with their hardware, problems, etc.
This is good for general installation (a supported hardware database) but it 
just won't work for an update testing setup.  Not enough testers exist, with 
diverse enough hardware, to get this done before an update moves from testing to 
stable.  Very few hardware setups would be listed as tested from feedback on 
bodhi.. so few it would be totally impractical to check the listing before you 
chose to update, so most people wouldn't check anyway, and would miss the one 
(probably 1/10000 or worse) chance that a tester with similar hardware had 
success with it.
It's probably a stretch to ask grub to do this when presented with a kernel update.
Especially since data on whether this kernel works for a certain machine or 
hardware combination is really not known early enough to get feedback posted 
before it shows up on your updates... Most people would update before a 
'statistically relevant' group of data points was posted.
I'm sure the information being collected with smolt can eventually become more 
accessible and may someday be more practical for this, but probably not soon.  I 
think its just too few people testing new packages.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
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