Re: Fedora 9 Beta Freeze

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Matthias Clasen wrote:
On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 15:10 +0100, Denis Leroy wrote:
Jesse Keating wrote:
This morning at nearly 0700 UTC we froze Fedora 9 for Beta.  Today's
rawhide is comprised of those frozen bits.  Our plan is to test it
heavily this week and have a set of good packages for the beta by
Thursday/Friday, for release the following Thursday.

The Beta freeze is a blocking freeze, that is for the duration of the
freeze only the frozen bits will be seen in rawhide, and the only
updates you'll see in rawhide are those that we are explicitly tagging
for the beta. for more details.

If you wish your build to be tagged for beta and it isn't already (koji
latest-pkg f9-beta <package>) please mail rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
stating the build you want tagged, the reason you want it tagged, and
the testing you've done on the build already.
Is gnome 2.22.0 in the freeze ? If you froze right after its release, i need to build the entire gtkmm stack for it!
Yeah, I got most of 2.22 built yesterday...except for the parts that
depend on glibmm...
Gah, now i have to go to rel-eng to mark every single glibmm-related 
build, This is going to take me a week... :-(
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