Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
Mike McGrath wrote:
ATTENTION: Action is required on your part in order to keep your account
Beginning 2008-03-11 15:00 UTC the Fedora Infrastructure Team will begin
migrating away from our former account system to the new account system.
To convert this time to your local time just run "date -d '2008-03-11
15:00 UTC'. The account system location will not change -
This migration will take many hours and during that time many Fedora
services that require authentication may be unavailable.
After the migration is complete please log in and change your password!
After one week, those who have not reset their passwords will have their
accounts marked expired and will not be able to access Fedora services
until their password is reset[1]. An email reminder will be sent out 3
days before the invalidation.
Please respond, send an email to accounts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or stop by
#fedora-admin on irc.freenode.net if you have any questions.
[1] Password resets can be done at
Fedora-devel-announce mailing list
Will log in on Wednesday and change my password..
Best regards
Johann B.
Ignore this sorry about it
In my infamous *wisdom* I thought
I needed to take some action on my behalf and accidentally reply ( to
all )...
Since I had received this mail already I was just patiently waiting for
Until I received it again..
Nothing to read here move along :)
Best regards
Johann B.
Again I sincerely apologize for all the trouble this might have caused
some one..
fedora-devel-list mailing list