Re: rawhide and cooker compared

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Austin Acton wrote:
This may or may not be of any use to you.  It's not meant to be a bug
report.  It's just my back to back comparison of two distros that people
think of as being similar or related or in competition for users.  Due
to the nature of development snapshots, some of the information is out
of date already (like ondemand scaling, it's fixed).  Hopefully, at the
very least, someone at Fedora finds it useful to see what works and what
users like.

"I've done a crazy thing. I installed the development versions of
Mandriva Linux (Cooker) and Fedora (Rawhide) back to back on the same
laptop and compared the results. I was very surprised with the results,
so I spent several hours trying to make them legible to others. They are
biased, personal, and hardware-specific, but if you're interested in the
state of rpm-based linux distros, do check out Rawhide vs. Cooker."


We won! :) 4 more green boxes!

Seriously, its an interesting comparison. I particularly like that the criticized points all translate into actionable things. So many linux reviews come out with "it smells funny" kind of criticisms that nobody can really do anything with.
Of course both of these are dev branches, so its expected that they are 
both rather broken, but still interesting.

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