While giving a talk on Fedora I18n at the Miniconf at LCA, it occurred
to me that maybe we should have a mailing-list for fedora i18n bugs [1].
Is this something that people would find useful? The I18n Engineering
team at Red Hat have used a mailing-list internally to track all i18n
bugs for a good while and it has been pretty useful for that: so I am
writing this mail to hear if there is interest in a list to follow i18n
bugs for Fedora.
There is also the i18n bugzilla keyword which is also useful for tagging
i18n bugs (though to date we have not used it systematically). However
a mailing-list has the advantage that it receives bugzilla mail when
bugs updated (the list would probably be medium volume), making it
easier to track issues.
fedora-devel-list mailing list