Recap and full IRC transcript found here:
Please make corrections and clarifications to the wiki page.
== gcc4.3 ==
* people can opt out of mass rebuild
* take non-responsive maintainers for failed builds to FESCo
== Spins ==
* Release Engineering is expected to produce custom spins for F8
1. it's a lot of bit moving
1. are we supposed to be producing them from F8 GOLD or F8 +
Updates, and if from Updates, does installing from them still work?
* as of yet, all 'spins' have been live based, which don't allow
for upgrades
* releng does not have have a checklist of what we look for when
approving a spin from a technical aspect
* See IRC log for detailed discussion
ACTION: Jeremy to write first draft of how Spins should work--in
detail--using Rahul's proposal as a starting point
== Mirror Master Move ==
* Targeting Wednesday
* Rough plan:
1. turn off rawhide Tuesday night
1. turn off everything else on Wednesday
* Continue discussion on #fedora-admin
== IRC Transcript ==
fedora-devel-list mailing list