On 01/31/2008 10:43 AM, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek wrote:
Dnia 31-01-2008, czw o godzinie 09:30 -0500, Christopher Aillon pisze:
On 01/30/2008 05:26 PM, Horst H. von Brand wrote:
After updating today, trying to get into
<https://evalcyt.conicyt.cl/declaracion-astronomia> (I have a password
saved for that site in Firefox) both browsers crash. BZ'd at
[Yes, the site could very well be badly built, but crashing isn't
I highly recommend filing every bug with Firefox 3 to upstream bugzilla
and not to Red Hat bugzilla. I'm only grabbing snapshots as-is from
HEAD and not adding patches to our package, as a rule. If there's a
crash it needs to be reported upstream, and I think it would be great if
Fedora contributors spent some time contributing to upstream(s) in general.
Download nightly snapshot from Trunk and every day update it using ie.
Help → Check for updates.
What would it take to get you to use _our_ builds? Because in the end,
Mozilla is _NOT_ going to distribute a binary for the final version of
Firefox 3. It would be great if you were testing builds the way they
are going to be done for final.
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