Re: InstantMirror needs a rethink

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Les Mikesell wrote:
Arthur Pemberton wrote:

Am about to investigate on-demand style mirroring as opposed to
rsync/ftp myself, and came across InstantMirror. What I have not yet
been able to determine is what is the benefit of InstantMirror over
just running squid and having yum always use said proxy?? (yum really
should be able to independently use an http proxy)
Yum can/does use an http proxy if you either explicitly configure it or 
export http_proxy=http://my_proxy:port in the environment.  However the 
default mirrorlist behavior will randomize the URLs so different 
machines behind the proxy will make different requests that will be 
cached but not reused.  And an assortment of things can go wrong if repo 
files are changed, but these problems could also happen in the time span 
of a single update without a proxy.
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how to accomplish the same 
thing for an anaconda install (kickstart or regular).

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