Re: Replacing the boot kernel in the installer

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Bill Crawford wrote:
I successfully installed F8 at home, but I've been unable to get the
installer to run on my Aspire here at work. It fails due a problem
with the sata_sis driver, which is fixed in the latest F7 kernel
update so I assume the current F8 kernel is fine too. Is it possible
to simply boot from a different kernel (and update the modules in the
initrd, of course) and run the installer? Or, if I need to update the
stage 2 image as well, how do I point at the updated stage 2, and can
I do so while still proceeding to fetch the install packages off the

I've never tried, but I suppose it might be possible to boot a F9 devel 
boot.iso, and try a network install, but point it at an F8 repo to fetch the 
stage2.img and packages.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx> <ajfarris@xxxxxxxxx>
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