Till Maas wrote:
On Tue January 22 2008, Andrew Farris wrote:
Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
On 01/22/2008 03:17 AM, Andrew Farris wrote:
Enrico Scholz wrote:
Adam Tkac <atkac@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I'm assuming now that:
>>> This is bad. Only the slaves/ and data/ (for DDNS) dirs must be
>>> writable.
is necessary to function
>>> pz/ and the other parts of the chroot filesystem must be read-only for
>>> named.
is not necessary, only 'a good idea', a change to which you are against
Making / read-only for bind is also not necessary for bind to work and also a
good idea. The problem is, that it is a very rare case that something needs
to be restricted to make something work.
Which is precisely why I asked for clarification when it sounds like he was
claiming it needed to be restricted (not likely to be needed).
Therefore the best approach is to
disallow/restrict everthing by default and only allow what is necessary to
make it work, but not more.
No arguments here.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx> <ajfarris@xxxxxxxxx>
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