Runs on F7 too.
Thank you for this, it works well in our small business environment
where conserving bandwidth to the internet is important.
We still don't have a project setup yet so the above is
only the temporary location. Until we have that permanent project
setup, please report bugs and make suggestions for improvement here in
this thread.
The included InstantMirror.conf file that goes into /etc/httpd/
conf.d/ stomps on any other configuration you may have set up.
Because the file name starts with an upper case "eye" it is loaded
first by the
Include conf.d/*.conf
directive. It becomes the _default_ host for everything on port 80.
You can check how that works by
/usr/sbin/httpd -S
mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/InstantMirror.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
/usr/sbin/httpd -S
( move it back if you prefer the stomping behavior )
From <>
Main host goes away
If you are adding virtual hosts to an existing web server, you must
also create a <VirtualHost> block for the existing host. The
ServerName and DocumentRoot included in this virtual host should be
the same as the global ServerName and DocumentRoot. List this
virtual host first in the configuration file so that it will act as
the default host.
This directive
NameVirtualHost *:80
should be uncommented in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
and a <VirtualHost> directive should be set up for the default web
content, and should be loaded before the InstantMirror.conf file.
I have something that works with my test system, but I'm still not in
a position to make a bomb-proof generalized config file
recommendation. It seems using VirtualHost is the best way to create
the Instant Mirror, but integrating that into an existing apache conf
needs to be handled with a bit more care. This could be communicated
with better comments or additional commented out directives in the
provided InstantMirror.conf file.
I use several files in conf.d to create aliases and WebDAV
collections for calendaring and file sharing on our main server. I
haven't tested yet with all those conf files mixed in.
Also, I think separating the logging is a good thing to do with
directives such as
ErrorLog logs/mirror-error_log
CustomLog logs/mirror-access_log
within the InstantMirror virtual host block.
That way when the python script throws a hissy fit about file
permissions, it is easier to find.
Thanks again for InstantMirror,
Charles Dostale
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