Re: alpha/beta software in Fedora 8?

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Jesse Keating wrote:
Hmm sounds like beta to me.
That's your interpretation.  Just because the features are Enterprise
focused doesn't mean they're automatically beta.
My interpretation has aways been that this is the point where it becomes 
 'less beta'.
It just means that
the focus is more on Enterprise needs, which are often customer driven.
Like wanting things that have already been well tested and are known to 
work reliably...  But without the 'more beta' phases, where would they 
come from?   The problem with actually running fedora is you are forced 
to install the 'more beta' versions like it or not, as support ends for 
the last 'less beta' cycle  - or go completely without updates which is 
probably not a good idea.
  Les Mikesell

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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