Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 17:38 -0500, Warren Togami wrote:
Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 17:17 -0500, Warren Togami wrote:
Below is just an idea. Please add your suggestions to refine this idea.
We need to consider the legal implications of "hosting" content that we
shouldn't. Not that any Fedora contributor would consciously push
something that violates any laws or legal guidelines, but people aren't
always diligent in checking these items pre-review.
I am hoping it will be OK if we have a standardized process for complete
removal of things deemed to be not suitable for legal reasons.
Document the standardized process for complete removal of things deemed
not to be suitable and I'll let you know. :)
If the package reviewer identifies code uploaded to the CVS or lookaside
binary cache not suitable for legal reasons, they are to set the
fedora-cvs flag and request removal. Fedora CVS admins will handle
removals promptly.
Risk Mitigating Factor:
New contributors have no CVS commit access to /cvs/pkgreview at all
until a reviewer gives them access. The reviewer should know better
than to allow something with legal problems into the CVS repo or to
grant someone access to upload such code. So in practice, this removal
plan is likely to be needed rarely if ever.
Warren Togami
fedora-devel-list mailing list