Re: are you (fedora devels) using fluendo codecs?

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On 11/16/2007 01:26 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 13:16:57 +0100
"Valent Turkovic" <valent.turkovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Why doesn't redhat or fedora buy one set of codecs so you can test
them yourself? I don't get it... I don't mind helping but it is beyond
my logic that fedora 8 claims that has fluendo codecs working with
fedora 8 but nobody has actually used the codecs to confirm it :)
/end rant/
We claim to be able to direct you at legal places that offer codecs for
download, and /they/ claim it works on Fedora 8.  We're not doing
continued integration testing with their codecs, we're just continuing
to make and improve Fedora releases.  It's unfortunate that their
offerings didn't work, that certainly puts them in a bad light.
If Fluendo were to ever start taking our users' money and then run 
without giving them anything to download, we'd immediately stop linking 
to them.
If our users are getting an equivalent experience, shouldn't we consider 
temporarily removing our link to them until they fix the issue?  I 
understand it's not completely their fault and am sympathetic to their 
plight, but for us to ignore the problem is counter to the reason why we 
are linking directly to a web page we control.
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