We gonna start an Rpmfusion Fedora spin giving user
the much wanted/needed media support in Fedora.
With strictly the media support ( ugly-plugins etc. ) and the rpmfusion
repo installed,
and excluding AMD and Nvidia drivers
will we need Rename the spin or could it be released under Fedora name
and artwork? * Legal/others
If needed to change the name/artwork would FedoriansFusion be A OK
If naming/artwork is changed could we include the AMD and Nvidia drivers?
Will this be available on fedoraprojects.org as in
will Max Spevack put his money where is mouth is so I quote Max
"So go forth and mix your own Fedora. And then come back and share it
with us, and we’ll put it up on the _*Fedora website for others to use
ref. ( http://www.redhatmagazine.com/2007/05/31/remixing-fedora-7/ )
Or was this just a pr c...
It would be interesting download stats Fedora VS Fedora with media
support :)
If everything is done outside US hosted outside US created outside US
how much legal
jibber jabber comes from that ? Not for US residents version of Fedora?
Best regards
Johann B.
Johann B. Gudmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix System Engineer.
IT Management.
Reiknistofnun University of Iceland.
Taeknigardi, Dunhaga 5. Email: johannbg@xxxxx
IS-107 Reykjavik. Phone: +354-525-4267
Iceland. Fax: +354-552-8801
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