Re: Disable IPv6 by default.

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Dennis Gilmore wrote:
On Thursday 13 September 2007 9:17:57 am Chuck Anderson wrote:
On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 02:09:02PM +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
Let's disable IPv6 by default and let the user enable it.
Why?  Is it causing a problem for you?

IPv6 deployment is a chicken-and-egg problem.  Everything Fedora can
do to be proactive about encouraging its use should be applauded.  One
day we will eventually need it, and if we don't work out the wrinkles
now, we'll be in trouble later.  Windows Vista has it enabled by
default.  So should Fedora.
I use ipv6 daily.  why should i go through extra steps when having both 
enabled does not hurt people with ipv4 only connections?

Why should it be turned on for you and the few others that are using it?

Best regards
             Johann B.

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix Kerfistjóri.
Reiknistofnun Háskóla Íslands.
Tæknigarði, Dunhaga 5.			Rafpóstur:	johannbg@xxxxx
107 Reykjavík.				     Sími:	525-4267
Ísland.					Bréfasími:	552-8801

Johann B. Gudmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix System Engineer.
IT Management.
Reiknistofnun University of Iceland.
Taeknigardi, Dunhaga 5.			Email:		johannbg@xxxxx
IS-107 Reykjavik.			Phone:		+354-525-4267
Iceland. Fax: +354-552-8801
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