Re: FESCo Meeting Summary for 2007-08-09

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Bill Nottingham wrote:
Rahul Sundaram (sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) said:
      * FESCo approved a proposal that rebuilds in future releases will
        only be done if there is a technical reason for it. (i.e. not
doing rebuilds just for cosmetic reasons).
How are end users supposed to differentiate easily packages that have not been rebuild from packages that have not been updated due to E-V-R and other issues after they perform an upgrade of Fedora?
rpm -qa --last

rpm -qa --qf "%{BUILDTIME}\n"
Wading through this information to figure out the details I wanted 
doesn't seem to be as easy as something like
# rpm -qa | grep fc5

If we would make it easier that would be useful. Maybe some preinstalled scripts?
also... 'don't have E-V-R issues'.
That's easier said that done looking at the long list of such problems 
in the regular automated reports. There are the other things like 
missing obsoletes that can be responsible for left over packages.

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