Tomas Mraz wrote:
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 15:50 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Peter Vrabec wrote:
Hi folks,
rsyslog was just built in rawhide.
It obsoletes sysklogd, so sysklogd in not running anymore and is erased
after update. Note, that rsyslog won't start automatically. You need to
do #service rsyslog start,(or restart the box). This problem should be
solved by anaconda during upgrade from FC->F8.
What happens if I upgrade using yum?
You won't have running system log daemon until you restart the system or
run service rsyslog start manually.
I'd say that since sysklogd is erased, rsylogd should be automatically
enabled and started. Yes, I know the packaging recommendations, but I
think that in this case an exception should be accepted.
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