On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, Dan Horák wrote:
I have spend this weekend with looking for a software that will
catalogue content of CDs and DVDs (I want to know what file is on which
CD/DVD). My requirements were simple - work current Fedora (>=6) and
automagicly use the disc name when storing the content. As
name version platform current use disc
Fedora name
gtktalog 1.0.4 C/gtk1 no ?
gwhere 0.2.3 C/gtk1,gtk2 no* yes
CdCat 1.01b C/qt no* no
gnomecatalog 0.2.1 Python/gtk no ?
cdcollect 0.6.0 Mono no ?
* = can read content of the folder where the disc is mounted
The main problem is that these softs are looking for CD/DVDs into a
fixed path (/media/cdrom, ...) which doesn't exist in current Fedoras as
it uses gnome-mount which uses HAL. Also most of them are dead or almost
dead projects.
As a result I have chosen gwhere for my usage. It required not so much
effort to make it build and then work. You can find it at
http://fedora.danny.cz/gwhere-0.2.3-1.src.rpm The CDCollect project
looks quite promising, but I don't know how to integrate scanning of
gnome-mounted (using HAL) discs.
When some other solution exists (Beagle?), please let me know.
I have yet to find a good solution. Most of them seem to die when you
throw a couple hundred DVDs of software archives at them.
I will look at gwhere and see if it is any better.
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ANSI C also says that struct assignment is a memcpy. Therefore struct
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- Alan Cox
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