Reminder: Fedora Update Tips

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Tips for Fedora Package Maintainers when issuing updates.

1) Push or Revoke Updates-Testing
Please don't forget to deal with your packages sitting in updates-testing. Some packages were sitting here for more than a month.
Your Updates Testing package may be marked as "Stable" if they are ready 
to be pushed as an official update.  If you want to cancel an update, or 
if it was superseded by a newer package, you will want to "Unpush" it.
2) EVR Version Problems
Currently F7 uses Bodhi (the Fedora Updates System) while FE-6 uses the legacy Extras buildsystem. This can sometimes create EVR promotion problems between the distributions. Example:
1) foo-1.2.3-1.fc7
2) foo-1.2.4-1.fc7 is pushed to F7 updates-testing
   foo-1.2.4-1.fc6 is built for FE-6
3) FC6 version of foo is "newer" than foo in F7, because the FC6 package went directly into the repository while the F7 package is only in testing.
Suggested Workaround:
Build for FE6 only *after* the F7 update has been officially pushed.

Warren Togami

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