Re: Suggestion: Disk Druid changes

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Gerry Reno wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Gerry Reno wrote:
Hi all,
As I mentioned in another post, I have been using a technique that at least for me greatly simplifies moving to and from RAID-1 on any system. I do this by installing the system on a degraded RAID-1 array and then later it is very simple to make the system true RAID by just adding the missing drive/partitions.
 From the other Fedora 8/9 wishlist post:
Another thing in Disk Druid that I would like to see is the ability to install on a degraded RAID-1 array where I declare RAID-1 but then the second mirror is missing. I install this way all the time on systems and then when I add the second hard drive later and place it into the array, it just syncs. Want to go back to just a single drive - no problem. Just fault the device and remove it. No complicated remounting filesystems or anything - very smooth. This way you're always on an md device. I would like to see this actually become the default. It makes it very easy to convert a system to RAID-1 later on if the user would like to do so without any complicated procedures necessary.
You might want to file RFE's in


Will do. Just wanted to see what kind of take up there was for the idea.

Not sure if this is how you file RFE but here it is:


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