Re: The updates firehose

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Will Woods wrote:
Debian's popcon[0] utility does almost exactly that. This would 
make a nice counterpart to smolt - where smolt tracks what hardware
people are using, popcon tracks what *software* they're using. It's all
proven, open-source stuff - adding this as a feature for F8 wouldn't be

I haven't looked at how popcon works. If you can port it easily that 
would be fine. Otherwise adding a optional package listing in Smolt 
(changing it from a hardware to system profiler) might also be good.
On the other hand, I don't want to duplicate code. Since we're already
talking about more Mugshot-y stuff in F8[1], maybe it makes sense to
extend the Mugshot application info-gathering backend to work more like
popcon. Perhaps it would need to be split out from Mugshot so people who
don't care about Mugshot can still opt to collect and submit stats.

Mugshot folks don't seem to be interested in splitting out code when I 
asked in fedora-desktop list. From the description it appears that the 
code is not going to useful outside of mugshot. Talk to them again anyway.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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