thanx so far
2007/5/23, Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxx>:
On Wednesday 23 May 2007 14:08:23 Mark wrote:
> oke.. lets clear things up a bit.
> i get the idea that the comps file (can`t see because i can`t find it) is
> meant for the installation groups.. that`s not what i meant.
> i mean this part in the installation (it`s the same in F7):
Those are driven by comps. If you said you unselected everything in
the 'customize now' area, that's what you'd get with a 'minimal install'. So
if that's too big, you have to deal with comps.
> and this is what i want (written in RED and to say it before confution gets
> arround it.. it`s either the "Minimal Installation" or those other
> options.. all of them selected can`t be possible!!! it`s just a image
> edit.. you get the idea)
> and besides this screenshot.. where do i find that comps file? i don`t have comps
Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
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