Orion Poplawski wrote:
Hans de Goede wrote:
Orion Poplawski wrote:
I did a quick compare of FE 6 to the last FE devel and found that the
following packages have increased in size by more than a factor of 2.
Some of these may be fine, I haven't looked into it in detail.
Thanks for the effort, however it looks like you've looked at the
combined size of all subpackages of a package, for example ogre which
is mine:
ogre 6374746 -> 29476134
Has a main package of only 2 Mb, most of the size increase is
explained by the adding of a new samples sub package which ways in at
15Mb (previously the samples were unpackaged).
The rest of the size increase seems to be due to errors in the way
you've calculated the size, the FE6 ogre, excluding debuginfo ways in
at 10 Mb (x86_64), the F7 one at 25 Mb.
I'm not looking at the size of the rpms, I'm looking at installed sizes
as reported by rpm -q --qf "%{SIZE}\n" -p <rpm>.
# rpm -q --qf '%{SIZE}\n' -p development/i386/ogre-1.2.5-1.fc7.i386.rpm
# rpm -q --qf '%{SIZE}\n' -p 6/i386/ogre-1.2.2-2.p1.fc6.i386.rpm
I installed ogre on my devel system however and the total installed size
appears to be about 8476 KB. So perhaps a bug in rpm's size calculation?
Perhaps, or maybe rpm is showing the size of all subpackages together?
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