Still noticed when I downloaded and installed FC6 of dvd
that the I586 Issue had not been fixed, Some how I my brain thought
that a new dvd would be released that would contain the correct kernel (
I686 or I386)
Unless there is some reason for it not to be addressed?
Thought that creating a new DVD Image would be better than letting all
FC6 newcomers
have to figure out of it on their own.
In the upcoming release of FC7, Core and Extras become one repository :)
Wouldnt it be splended if Maintainers of Freshrpms and Livna would join
hands and merge as well :)
Keep up the good work
Best Regards
Jóhann B.
Jóhann B. Guðmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix Kerfistjóri.
Reiknistofnun Háskóla Íslands.
Tæknigarði, Dunhaga 5. Rafpóstur: johannbg@xxxxx
107 Reykjavík. Sími: 525-4267
Ísland. Bréfasími: 552-8801
Johann B. Gudmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix System Engineer.
IT Management.
Reiknistofnun University of Iceland.
Taeknigardi, Dunhaga 5. Email: johannbg@xxxxx
IS-107 Reykjavik. Phone: +354-525-4267
Iceland. Fax: +354-552-8801
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