Regarding package management, I have found apt to work much better that either SuSE's YAST or Redhat's yum. dpkg and rpm are both challenging for me, and I have struggled with dependency issues with each. I tried to track OpenSuSE and found it completely undoable. Now I track Rawhide and Ubuntu's development packages. I have had repeated success upgrading installations to Ubuntu's development tree. What I appreciate in Fedora is the SELinux integration and all the patches that get applied to the kernels. The kernel expertise at Redhat is fantastic. Although I know that eventually the Gnome folks will whittle all the beryl options down to a manageable few, with a more spare configuration UI, compiz lacks any configuration UI. Since Ubuntu has gone with Beryl and Fedora is more committed to compiz, I have found it easier to get a pretty solid 3D desktop under Ubuntu. Currently, I have almost identical desktop environments under the Fedora and Ubuntu development installations. I contribute bug reports to both. I find that Fedora bugs tend to get more rapid fixes that Ubuntu. This is really important to me. I contribute testing to Linux desktops because I want to see Linux and OSS contribute to empowering users globally. I have been contributing for about eight years, and have been very happy with the progress that has been made. I have recently been tracking the work being done under by folks associated with the desktop-wireless summits (under the auspices of OSDL). There is still a lot of work to do with wireless support. I've been glad to see both Fedora and Ubuntu get on the NetworkManager integration bandwagon. We need strong distributions that can put finishing touches on all the integrated projects. We still have a ways to go with desktop usability and so forth. I hope that Fedora will flourish and continue to play a vital role in coordinating, evolving and integrating all the codebases that feed into it. It's an invaluable role. -- fedora-devel-list mailing list fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx