Title: Signature
OK I found it! The networking code in FC6 includes some clevers with
HWADDR that reames the ifcfg file and writes its own version ... not
sure why as I do not have the dhclient installed but there you go.
Howard Wilkinson wrote:
anybody point me to the code that is renaming the ifcfg-<device>
files I am creating in the post install part of kickstart. They end up
as ifcfg<device>.bak and get replaced by DHCP entries. As we run
our servers with bonded interfaces I need to get these device to come
up as slaves to the bond device which has a static address.
I know this happens after the %post section has run and I am fairly
sure it happens after the reboot and once the rc.sysinit hhas run for
the first time. I do not have firstboot installed or any of the
system-config-* packages so I have eliminated them from the path. I am
fairly sure it is not anaconda itself that is doing this, but cannot
for the life of me see where it could be happening.
I am running a slightly extended FC6 install with minimal packages.
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Howard Wilkinson
Coherent Technology Limited
23 Northampton Square,
United Kingdom, EC1V 0HL
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